Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Context and History of Conflict Paper Essay

This essay will discuss the issues between two people, Robert and Denise Patton, along with how these issues affect their two children. To enable an understanding of the problem a summary of the nature and history of the conflict has been given. In addition, a look at the interaction of interests, goals, and the power of each party allows an understanding of each person’s position and role in the conflict as well as personal attempts at resolution of the problem. In working to resolve this conflict there will be strategies discussed which, if Robert and Denise are willing to apply, could help them resolve the conflicts that they are facing in their marriage. Summary of the Nature and History of the Conflict The Patton Family case study has different types of conflict inside it. The summary of the conflict starting with the family dynamic gives a look of what is happening with the family from an outsider looking inward. To an outsider the family is in shambles; they fight regularly, and it seems that the parents have concern about one child only. In the beginning, the parents were happy; they both were on a path that looked successful. They both were in college and had great jobs after college. Once they started a family things changed for the couple. The mother wanted to be a part of the children’s lives more, so she quit her job and found another that worked with her schedule. The parents fought frequently about the youngest child and how to parent him. Since the parents were not getting along for a while the husband finally had enough. He decided to leave the house and tell his wife he wants a divorce. The husband and wife blame each other for the failed marriage, and the youngest child blames himself for his father’s leaving. â€Å"Without an apology or other form of resolution, the trust on both sides is compromised, and may not know what to expect from this person in the future† (Scott, 2011 p. 2). When the father left he never sat down with his children or wife to explain why it had come to this. The father finally had enough with his wife, but he did not explain his reasoning. Context of Conflict The context of the conflict is that two parents have separated after a long marriage resulting from arising conflicts in the marriage. The couple has two children; one who is almost an adult, and the other is a young child who seems to have trouble with his energy at home and at school. The conflict started to occur more frequently and more harshly as their second child started having problems in school. One parent, the mother, believes that there is something wrong with him and that he requires special attention with him all the time. A child with these kinds of behaviors would become costly and would require significant attention. The other parent believes that his son is just spoiled and requires normal attention and discipline. He further believes that these luxuries have left his son vulnerable with a lack of awareness for his surroundings. Whether or not the parents are splitting, they were a team trying to provide for their two children. â€Å"When managing conflicts, collectivist cultures place more emphasis on the avoidance and accommodation of conflicts because collectivists value harmony, security, and conformity† (Hong, 2008). Interactions of Interests, Goals, and Power The interests, goals, and power of both parents are that they cannot stand each other and need space in to function. One believes that he does not receive enough attention from his family and wife, and that they show no gratitude for his hard work. He has been working for many years and has primarily been the sole wage-earner in the family. The wife feels that her family does not appreciate her. She feels that she has lost her active role in the environment of her oldest child and husband. Her focus has been her young son who has been having these troubles at school and home. This amount of pressure has shut her out of everyone’s world except her son, who does not know what is going between the two split parents. According to the text the â€Å"conflict above may be substituting for intimacy and connection, or it may serve as a launching pad for problem solving† (Hocker & Wilmot, 2011). Attempts Made at Conflict Resolution There are competing family goals regarding Arnie (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). Robert believes lack of discipline is the cause and wants Arnie to be held accountable whereas Denise believes there is a neurological basis and believes Arnie should be tested and treated according to his perceived needs. Though both parents have expressed ideas for dealing with the problem they have not agreed on a method, nor given significant consideration to the other’s opinion in this matter. The conflict has evolved and in the process a couple of resolution tactics have been used. Early in the conflict, aggression and competition were used, with each attempting to use power of position as a tool to win the battle. Rob made the money and determined it would not be used for mental health treatment; Denise was primary care-giver and as such was responsible for seeing that Arnie’s needs were met. Screaming matches to coerce the other into submission failed and eventually gave way to avoidance (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). Withdrawal from the conflict equated to withdrawal from the relationship as the couple slept apart and ceased communication (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). The interactions that did take place were interpreted based upon past events, setting the paradigm for what each could expect from the other, likely feeding into rather than helping to resolve the conflict (Coltri, 2010). Robert’s final act of avoidance was for self-protection; he moved out to protect himself from further emotional harm (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). Personal Initial Reactions or Strategies for Resolving this Conflict Personal Initial Reaction The initial reaction to the conflict between Robert and Denise is that they should agree to mediation as a mean of solving their disagreement. Denise relies on Robert for complete financial support for their family. The problem here is Denise does not want to work because of their son’s neurological condition. Robert believes differently about Denise not wanting to work and feels that Denise is using Arnie’s condition as an excuse. Robert and Denise seek legal consultation, after Robert leaves the home. Strategy for Resolving this Conflict Legal consultation has it advantage but mediation would be better in this situation. Most lawyers discuss with clients if they should choose mediation based on their situations. Mediation would give the couple the opportunity to explain their side of the situation in privacy. Attorneys are contacted for legal advice but mediation is for solving issues and helping the couple to make the right decision. An attorney represents only the client who has retained his or her service and not for solving the problems. A mediator has a neutral part and only help in resolving the issues. Mediation taken place in courts is not private and the judge makes decision on the case. In the case of Robert and Denise, mediation would allow them to decide the outcome. The best thing for Robert and Denise is to have a mediator presence to help settle property, child support, and custody issues. According to Divorceinfo (2013) â€Å"The mediator remains neutral between the husband and the wife. That means the mediator can’t give advice to either party, and also can’t act as a lawyer for either party.† Conclusion Robert and Denise Patton seek legal consultation as a mean of finding ways of settling their conflicts. Legal consultation provides the couple with advice on the best avenue to take in solving their problems. Once the two meet with their lawyer, the couple is told if they should have a mediator there with his or her lawyer. Mediators do not represent either of the couple, only the individuals’ lawyers do.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human memory Essay

The investigation into whether images aid memory recall has been fairly successful. The experimental hypothesis: participants in condition 1(words with images) would perform better than those in condition 2 (words without images), has been rejected therefore the null hypothesis: there will be no difference in condition 1 (involving grid of random words supported by images) and condition 2 (only consisting of random words) has been accepted. Only to some extent from the line graph (Condition 1 vs. Condition 2), can we say condition 1 (words with images) recalled more words than those in condition 2 (words without images) because the line for condition 1 is generally above the line for condition 2 and this fairly supports the experimental hypothesis. The results measured using central tendency and measures of dispersion moderately support the experimental hypothesis. The mean and median for condition 1 (14. 1 & 14. 5) was greater than of condition 2 (12. 6 & 13. 5) indicating that there is a better recall when words are companied by visual aid and this supports the experimental hypothesis. The range (11) illustrated that data for both conditions were equally spread out, which does not necessary support the experimental hypothesis. Standard deviation, a more reliable measure of the dispersion than range has shown data in condition 2 (3. 977715704) is slightly more spread out than in condition 1 (3. 604010112). Descriptive statistics (numerical & graphical) have illustrated that condition 1 (words with images) performed better and this supports the experimental hypothesis. Not only do the numerical statistics support the hypothesis but the results are fairly pronounced, simply by looking at the line graph (graphical statistics); there is definitely a difference between both conditions although the Mann-Whitney U-test shows this to be below the level of significance. Inferential statistics, which enable us to draw clear conclusions about the likelihood of the hypothesis being true, is evidence for accepting the null hypothesis. The implication of the results measured using a non-parametric method, The Mann-Whitney U-test clearly shows that at the significance level of 0. 05, the results were very likely to have happened by chance. Though the observed value, 35 is greater than the critical value of 23 but only by 10. Comparatively, the findings of this study support previous theory and research but also are contrary to them. Bower, 1972 imagery recall experiment found that participants, who used imagery, recalled 80% of the words compared to only 45% by the non-imagers. In this investigation, participants in condition 1 (words with images) recalled 70. 5% of the words compared to 63% by the non-imagers. My investigation does support Bower’s findings, since there is a difference however the differences between the two conditions is not significant. Previous research does suggest that data in STM is stored in an acoustic manner this was demonstrated by Conrad (1964). Illustrating people may not always use visual codes to remember data and this supports the null hypothesis; in addition Baddeley’s (1966) study suggests that data is also stored semantically and this again illustrates that people may not always use visual codes. A possible problem with this experiment is the experimental design which lacks ecological validity and also does not account for individual differences. The study used independent groups, which meant it lacked control of participant variable and needed more participants. A matched participant design could have been used instead to deal with participant variables as participants are matched on key variables such as age and memory ability. Another problem of the study was the sample size. The study only used 20 participants, a small sample; therefore findings cannot be generalised to the rest of the population. So, a larger sample size of 50+ would be more representative and can be generalised. In addition, the investigation used opportunity sampling, which is very biased, and again it cannot be generalised. Random sampling would be the best method to select participants since it is potentially unbiased. An additional problem was the images used; some of the images were cartoon images (i. e. bible & pizza) and others were actual photographs (real life images, i. e. greenhouse). This may have been a problem since real life images may possibly be easier to remember than cartoon images or vice versa. To resolve such problem, would be by using only cartoon images alone or only real life images. The recall between genders may have wider implications: on the whole men have performed better than women, when studies have shown women should perform better than men. For example; women perform better than men in tasks such as verbal learning remembering tasks, name face association, and first last name associations learning (Larrabee and Crook, 1993). Ideas for a follow up research study is the effects of gender recall and discover if there is a significant effect for the sex of a participant on the types of gender associated images recalled and to compare the effects of visual and semantic codes in depth. There is evidence to illustrate that people do remember more with the aid of visual representation and evidence to illustrate people remember more without any visual representation. This itself suggests people do remember data and information differently (individual differences), i. e. acoustically, semantically. Therefore it is important to recognize these findings as they have strong insinuations for its involvement in everyday life, for example with teaching, revision and marketing. References & Bibliography Atkinson, R. C. & Shiffrin, R. M. (1968) Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K. W. Spence and J. T. Spence (Eds. ), The psychology of learning and motivation, vol. 8. London: Academic Press Baddeley, A. D. (1966) Encoding in LTM: The influence of acoustic and semantic similarity on long-term memory for word sequences. Quart. J. exp. Psychol. , 18, 302-9 Bahrick, H. P. (1975) The nature of LTM: ‘Fifty years of memory for names and faces: A cross-sectional approach’, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 104, pp. 54-75

Monday, July 29, 2019

Trade and world output Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Trade and world output - Essay Example This paper seeks to not only survey what trade and world output are all about but to also show their relation. Trade may be construed top refer to the business of transacting i.e. buying and selling of securities or commodities. It is also called commerce. Alternatively, trade may also refer to the willing transfer of goods or services or a combination of both from one party to another. One party is termed as the seller and the other the buyer or consumer. Therefore, for a transaction to be complete, and therefore say that trade has taken place, there must be the buyer, the seller, the commodity presented as goods or services or both and above all willingness for transfer of the commodities at agreed terms. Initially, the kind of trade done by our fore fathers was mainly barter trade but presently, many businessmen negotiate transactions through a medium of exchange called money. The two many types of trades may be distinguished by the number of parties involved in a transaction. For instance, trade between two traders or businessmen is termed as bilateral trade whereas that between more tha n two is said to be multilateral trade (US Congress, 1984). On the other hand the concept of world output needs to be understood before its relationship with trade can be highlighted. World Output is also called Gross world product (GWP) and it is the sum total Gross National Product (GNP) of all the nations in the whole world. Further, to understand GWP, there is need to define what GNP is all about. GNP is the measure of the average output of a country. Therefore, when all the average outputs of all countries in the world are added together they give the GWP. Gross Domestic Product, GDP also called Gross Domestic Income, GDI, of a country is the is the total cost of all the finished goods and services produced that particular country within stipulated period of time (usually a year). The other meaning of GDP is the sum total of all profits at every level of production of the finished goods and products in a country in a year. GDP is slightly different from GNP in that GNP, in its calculation includes foreign income usually in terms of inve stment which is not the case with GDP. Therefore, as said earlier, the GNP of each country is very important in the determination of the world output (Stutely, 2003). In the establishment of the relation between GNP and world output otherwise called GWP trade is implied because GNP is said to be the measure of the output of nationals in a given country. It usually focuses mainly on the parties that own the production. For instance, the measure of GNP revolves around American firms without regard of their location. The firms are the owners of production and this production is nothing without trade. Come to think of production: Purchase of raw material, conversion into finished goods and selling of the finished goods. So you reckon that trade is at every level of production and this production determined GNP ant this automatically tells us that trade determines or rather plays a major role in GNP and since sum total of GNP of all countries realizes the GWP, then trade determines GWP. This conclusion points to the relation between trade and world output (GWP) which simply boils down to a simple statement that the more the trade either bilateral or m ultilateral, the more the world output and vice versa. In 2005 the GWP rose by 4%. The growth was of course caused by increments in GNP of most countries with China leading the list with 9.3% followed by

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Influence of Aristotle on John Stuart Mills and Karl Marxs Studies Essay

Influence of Aristotle on John Stuart Mills and Karl Marxs Studies - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Aristotle believes that all humans are determined to flourish. It is appropriate and desired the end of all human actions. To understand how something functions, you need to understand its nature. Aristotle provides four different human nature aspects. Aristotle is usually quoted saying â€Å"Man is a political creature.† The meaning of Aristotle has a deeper understanding as compared to the known translation. The quote from Aristotle that says â€Å"is a rational being who lives in societies?† provides four different aspects of human nature. The first aspect is referring to the human as physical beings (to mean humans are animals). According to Aristotle, Physical beings require rest, nourishment, exercise, and many others that help in keeping their body to function properly. The second is that the human being referred as emotional beings (to mean they are animals). What differentiate plants from animals, as argued by Aristotle, is that anim als have desires, wants, urges, and reactions. These do not exist in plants. The human being can recognize what they want in the world, and they also possess the power of volition get what they want. Furthermore human can avoid what they dislike. These wants can be complicated for humans, however, at the long run, we all have wants and needs that are obtained from the underlying sources. The third is human is a social being (this is because they live in groups). Human must function and live in various societies. No man can survive by himself and human majorly performs well only in social settings. Human social nature goes in hand with our emotional nature; such that the wants and needs  required by a human can only be attained through the social nature of humanity. For example, human were beings that flourished as hermits, Friendly and trust cooperation needs will not be nearly so urgent. The fourth is that the human is a rational being. To the Greeks, most of the cultures, includ ing the current ones that have made humans human were our rationality. Human is expressive, creative, able to obey reasons and knowledge-seeking. Most of the time human being may not follow reasons, and most of the time may not want to exercise their minds. However, the central part of human existence relates their nature of being a rational animal.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Storm Drainage Design Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Storm Drainage Design Project - Essay Example ertical axis using different scales, but their horizontal coordinates are the same based on hourly readings from the midnight of October 12 to 11:00 in the evening of October 15, 1998. Rainfall data was plotted using millimetres (mm) and the given observations were used as is. On the other hand, river data, which is usually plotted as a discharge in a unit of volume against time (cubic meters per second or liters per second) is drawn as a function of the given river width (B) and the velocity (V) of flow of the river (since discharge is a product of area and water flow velocity in this case) per hour of observation. The highest point (peak) of the blue line graph is 0.658 meter-BV per hour. The scale used was 1 x 10-1 m, such that 0.658 is represented as 6.58 x 10-1 m. This should explain why the highest number in the vertical axis is 7. It may be gleaned from Figure 3 that although observations were plotted every hour, the time markers were presented every three hours due to space limitations.). However, the data were analyzed using the original values and units of the river level per hour of observation. Prior to the rainfall in 4:00 on October 13, the average reading of the river height from the start of given observations for 28 consecutive hourly readings is 0.262 mm. This will be the basis of the base flow. After seven hours of rainfall, the first peak was observed at 11:00 of October 13 with a height of 1.2 mm. This marks the initiation of the rising limb of the river flood where the height of the river also started to rise compared to base flow. The rainfall data had twin peaks, with the second peak occurring at 21:00 of October or 10 hours after the first rainfall peak was observed. At 9:00 of October 14, 12 hours after the second peak of the rainfall, the peak flow of the river was recorded at 0.658 m. The amount of time for the peak flow to return back to base flow or base flow time is 46 hours. Several factors which influence the characteristics of

The Ethics of Hacking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Ethics of Hacking - Essay Example For numerous cognitive minds, as the world has advanced over time, even the criminal patterns have discovered their new courses to satisfy the devil inside them. However, at this point it is essential that a clear distinction is drawn between the engagement of the ethical aspect, in endeavours that are believed to be rather criminal and immoral in nature, such as hacking. Before assimilation is rendered between the engagement of ethics, in the affair of hacking, it is highly imperative that a clear understanding is acquired, concerning the connotations attached to the phenomenon of ethics, as well as hacking. Primarily, on a rather basic level, the term Ethics, eloquently denote the motivation of the human acts or endeavours, based on the ideas of right and wrong, and the basic comprehension of the moral values and rules, pertaining to a substantial human intent, or potential activity. Hacking As discussed earlier, there have been numerous human practices that have altered the course s pertaining to the endowments rendered by the modern world, and amongst them is the phenomenon of hacking. It is highly imperative that before any substantial judgment is laid down regarding the involvement of ethics in hacking, the core construct of this phenomenon is comprehended. For a naive mind, the term hacking denotes the activity of cutting through someone’s computer or network system, and either gaining its entire control, or spifflicating the systems, the data or steal the records found in that system. Interestingly, numerous intentions are believed to be associated with such activity; for instance, as mentioned earlier, it is executed either to gain total control over someone’s network system or gain hold of substantial data and records; however, numerous immature minds, also execute such activities merely for fun and recreational purposes, either in a competition with their peer, or just to prove their mastered computer skills to themselves or their associ ates. Ethics of Hacking Interestingly, the primary connotation attached to the term hacking is widely negative and rather criminal in nature; therefore, It is interesting for a common mind to fight the comprehension of the involvement of the ethics in any possible criminal activity; either it is carried for the leisure purpose, or some other underlying objectives. With the passage of time, courtesy, the advent of technology, even the individuals involved in the acts of hacking have now turned into a community; and even they find it obligated to pursue their activities within a designated boundary or limit. It is imperative that a clear distinction id lay down between those who rigorously revere the aspect of ethics in this phenomenon (being hackers themselves), and those who ridicule the notion of ethics, and do as they please. According to numerous observers, the individuals who take pride in ridiculing the notion of ethics in hacking must simply be graded as computer criminals or terrorists rather than hackers. Now if the both terms, ethics and hacking are taken together, it can easily be assimilated that the act of involving oneself in the criminal intent, pertaining to the computerized activities; however, with a moral aspect attributed to it, or pursuing those

Friday, July 26, 2019

Homeless Services Coalition in Kansas City Essay

Homeless Services Coalition in Kansas City - Essay Example I have had a past experience with my place of study whereby I was one of the homeless people at the place who benefited from the programs offered by the coalition agencies. This happened during the internal wars that happened in our country and we ran to Kansas for refuge. Literature Review Homeless Services Coalition strives to get rid of homelessness in the city. Homeless Services Coalition was formed to address the concerns and interests of the homeless community, service providers, their consumers and supporters (Rich Wiatt, Rich Thomas and Mullins 93). It works with local leaders to improve and sustain homeless community action plan. It was not easy to refuge community’s homeless population and it was very difficult to build the ability to prevent homelessness. This problem continued to spread each day and it became the growing need of the City. The organization had representatives from across the metropolitan area and continued to grow, in most cases it was made up of religious and commercial community. People came together to discuss the issue of homeless and the problems they face. The growing problem of homeless had negative impacts on the neighborhoods, business corridors and community at large. The size and characteristics of homeless population was of importance when dealing with the issue (Wright and Donley 18). This enabled in the roper planning by the organization. Several factors leading to homeless were stated and many programs and services were made available to the struggling population.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Do governments exploit its people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Do governments exploit its people - Essay Example The third point that will be scrutinized in the essay is how governments exploit her people in cheap labor. Lastly, government use human weakness behavior to exploit her people, thus accepting the existence of certain companies in the country. These companies produce addictive products, some of which are not healthy to the human body. It is always seen as though the employers somehow exploits their workers by not paying them more profits, while in the reality, after a worker looks at his pay check , he will realize the real exploiter is the government. The government takes several forms of taxes before the paycheck even reaches the worker, resulting to net loss. Citizens are nothing more than serfs are under the current taxation system, serving government and those in power (Floyd 16). Over-taxation denies the ability of a worker to decide how best he can use his salary earned. People are therefore, unable to meet their basic needs with the low NET salary. Although the government imposes high taxes on its people they still end up paying more to receive public services e.g. in hospitals and schools. Tax avoidance by huge firms, organization and political leaders undermines the faith of the public in the government. All these injustices and unfairness in taxation by governments erodes the social values that abide t he societies together (Floyd 27). Nevertheless, these taxes are being invested in lobby groups and political investments. Pluralistic ignorance has been used by the government to influence the minority group’s behavior and beliefs to that of the majority to its own benefit (Jens 12). It results people supporting something that they really do not like. Citizens believe other’s supports reflect their true thoughts. Governments have joined in the social media like twitter and face-book making more people takes part on their discussion. The government does this to manipulate people

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Industrial Repair Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Industrial Repair - Case Study Example The company management realizes that it is getting difficult for them to attract customers unless the company relocates its facility to ensure easy access to customers. It can either relocate the current facility to some other regions or it can operate two facilities at different locations. The sole objective is to enable the crew to reach customers within 30 minutes drive. The accountants reached the conclusion that if the company opens a facility it will cost $100,000; whereas if it operates two facilities it will cost an extra $70, 000 per year in operating expenses. The company assigned Andrew Morgan as the facility manager to examine if company has to maintain two facilities. Furthermore he was asked to suggest a new location for the company if it has to be relocated. He has to consider both transportation costs and the percent of customers within the time zone of proposed facilities. He can use OM Explorer Solver which gives address and number of existing customers. With the help of OM Explorer Solver he can calculate the time and distance for each customer to reach the nearest

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Plan - Essay Example This essay is aimed at discussing the various aspects of and issues related to marketing plan. In this context, first the role and nature of a marketing plan is discussed. Next, the structure of a standard marketing plan is explained. After that, there are the sections in which elements of marketing plan are elaborated sequentially. The links between marketing plan elements are discussed in the following section. In the section of assumptions, there is a discussion related to the common misconceptions regarding the marketing plan as a whole. Reputable journal, text, and Internet based sources have been used throughout the paper. Role and Nature of Marketing Plan What is a Marketing Plan? A marketing plan is used in backend and management operations. It is aimed at the potential consumers and also the public at large. The complete plan is kept like a guiding document for personnel involved in advertising, sales, and marketing. Marketing plans contain the results obtained by research, which help in identifying tactics and strategies for communicating with the consumers. Hence, it must have an ethical but persuasive orientation. (Solomon et al, 2012; Kang et al, 2002) What is the relationship between a Marketing Plan and a Business Plan? Marketing and business plans have a significant number of elements and subsections in common. In drafting the overall strategic plan, both marketing and business plans may lead to common or overlapping implications. Business plans cover market analyses and marketing research in the context of the whole business including the fiscal affairs. Nevertheless, there are certain differences between a marketing plan and a business plan. Differences between a Marketing Plan and a Business Plan Marketing Plan Business Plan The plan is intended for the potential customers and general public. It is implemented by the personnel involved in sales, advertising, distribution and promotion. (Solomon et al, 2012) Potential investors are shown a bus iness plan as a first step to help them decide whether or not to invest. According to Mason and Stark (2004, p. 227), â€Å"Bankers stress the financial aspects of the proposal and give little emphasis to market, entrepreneur or other issues.† Marketing plan has a customer or consumer oriented persuasive approach (Cravens et al, 2009) Business plan has a financier or investor oriented persuasive approach (Chen et al, 2009) The planner must concentrate more on preparing milestone charts, sales forecasts, marketing research, etc. (Wood, 2011) The planner must refer to the marketing plan but adequately cover the financial information and other details related to the organization. It must be used along with the business plan to draft the strategic plan Business planning is precondition to strategic planning Helps in the processes like â€Å"product line asset development† (Kang et al, 2002, p. 203) Helps in a variety of processes such as management accounting, cash flows, preparing financial statements, etc. Table – 1: Marketing Plan versus Business Plan What are Marketing Plans used for? The marketing plan includes various kinds of analyses to determine marketing strategies like pricing, distribution, and perks that are to be rewarded to the salespeople and retailers who generate better sales for the company. Further, strategic incentives are provided on the basis of market plans. These incentives include different types of offerings, special packages, free gifts, etc. to retain the existing clients and/or attract new clients particularly for service-oriented businesses. In sum, a marketing plan is drafted for achieving sales & distribution targets, winning customers, achieving competitive advantage,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Roles in Our Everyday Life Essay Example for Free

Roles in Our Everyday Life Essay In our everyday life, every person plays or carries more than one role. Our lives have become demanding. One role would not accomplish our goals from day to day. Carrying different roles also will mold us into stronger, more independent individuals. Each role is different and carries its challenges. Three roles that I carry are a parent, a wife, and a child. I would say out of these three roles being a mother is the most difficult and challenging. First role and most important role to me is being a mother. As a mother I have to care for my children’s needs, safety, health concerns, and daily needs. My children are my life, which is why it is the most important role. To care for a child and provide for their needs is demanding and stressful. I have learned how to juggle between what they need constantly and balance my other roles and accomplish my goals. The best tool to succeed in carrying different roles as a mother is multi-tasking. A mothers’ full day of work is getting my children up and ready for school on time. Help them with homework questions. Install morals and the difference between wrong and right. Encourage them to make correct decisions when I am not there. Help them understand life may not be fair and things may not go our way but we learn from our mistakes and move on. Being a mother has made me a stronger person, more independent, and more understanding and passionate. Children have a way of breaking the person we are and molding us into the way we should be. An example would be my daughter has asthma and her health condition requires complete and constant care. Caring for or stopping an asthma attack while helping my other children requires prioritizing to obtain the best outcome. A mother can balance school functions, doctor appointments, cooking dinner, paying bills, shopping, cleaning the house, laundry, as well as other roles we play. All of the demands for a mother also fall in the same category as a wife which is our next role. Being a wife has taught me having a companion, partner; friend in life can also be a challenge. Couples will have disagreements, but being role models are a crucial part of life. You also have to become familiar with the person you commit too. You learn their likes and dislike, as well as, what kind of person they are. Marriage is a never-ending learning experience. An example is being there for my husband in sickness/health, supporting his career; or simply standing behind him in all things. This includes even at time when he may be wrong. Behind every good man is a good woman. A perfect example of this is my husband is a veteran. He served his time in the military and school and works to provide for our family. During the time he was in the military we were never in one location, I did not complain I supported him in his duty to our country. Although, his service to our country; required him to leave his family, to be deported to Afghanistan. He was fighting for our freedom and rights. My husband may not have been around at times when I needed him but he was there in mind, spirit and heart which is what pulled me through the difficult time of deployment. Again, this is another role that molded me into a more independent and stronger individual. My final role in life is being a child. It is funny we start out as a child, grow into adults, become parents; but we will always remain mommy or daddy’s little girl/boy. When we are growing up we don’t think about getting in trouble or the consequences. When we become parents we look back and appreciate what our parents taught us so we may pass it on to our children. Our parents care for us as we are children then the roles reverse and we care for our parents when we are older. Now that I look back I can see me in my mothers’ eyes. I think back when I was a child and remember how hard it was for my mother to care for me and my siblings and the roles she played in my childhood. One challenge as a child I remember my mother faced, was when I was 11 months old and my mother cared for me, my sister, and my brother after losing my dad. It brought more challenges for her and more roles as a woman, and mother. My mother has always said things in life happen for a reason, we don’t understand why but in the end everything works out for the best. I can remember my mother caring for her children, working to provide for us, caring for our everyday needs while sacrificing her needs. My mother has showed my through life you do the best you can, always be yourself, and stick to your morals. With this advice you can go anywhere and be anything in life you set your mind too. Now that I am a mother, wife, and my mother’s child I get to apply the lessons she has taught us to my roles. Full filing many different roles in life is challenging, hard, complicated, and may be stressful. We learn in life to handle these as they come along and our end result is something we hold the result too. Through life we can offer advice, recommendations, and support to our children who will have a challenging life ahead of them with today’s society and its steady decline. In the end, I would not take anything for the life, lessons, morals, support, and journey I have walked but look back and be proud of the individual I have accomplished.

Essay on Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Essay on Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay In many works by Shakespeare, single parents struggle with the difficulties their children have, such as Desdemona and her father in Othello, or Hermia and her father in A Midsummer Nights Dream. Issues between parent and child are evident in Hamlet, but the single parent is a mother, not a father. The poem Meditation at Elsinore by Elizabeth Coatsworth embodies the situation between characters, and has hidden morals within the prose. There are many morals and life lessons in Hamlet, one of which is the effects of poor parenting. In Hamlet, emotional suppression and lack of parenting lead to the downfall of Gertrude, and her son Hamlet. Proper parenting can be defined as caring for children and providing them with shelter, emotional security, food, education, and safety so that they can become successful adults. Gertrude may have had involvement in her husbands murder, and this as such, would qualify her as a poor parent. Her failure to respect Hamlets emotions, provide emotional security for her son, and engender mutual trust confirms her as an unfit parent. This behaviour by Gertrude caused Hamlet to be suspicious, and it was his suspicion that brought about his and his mothers death. When King Hamlet died, Gertrude quickly remarries Hamlets uncle, Claudius, and the timing of this union is detrimental to the relationship with her son, eliminating all respect Hamlet had for his mother. Gertrude realizes that her swift remarriage has greatly affected her son, and doubt[s] [that] it is no other but the main: / His fathers death and our o erhasty marriage (Hamlet, 2.2.57). She realizes the cause for Hamlets new found insanity, but does not react to the situation as a responsible parent would. Hamlet, being witty and quick, refers to his new parents as his uncle-father and aunt-mother (2.2.362) when talking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. This demonstrates that Hamlet has lost respect for both his mother and his uncle. Hamlet tells Horatio that the funeral baked meats / Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables (1.2.180) when asked about the funeral. In a respectful relationship, a mother would have confided in her son before making the choice to remarry. Hamlet grieves for his lost father, but Gertrude seems more interested in spying on him. This causes Hamlet to become suspicious. When Gertrudes husband died, she did not mourn his death and she did not  provide emotional security for her son, in the way mothers are supposed to console their children and support them through the tough times by helping them grieve. Gertrude is annoyed by Hamlets depression, and tells him to stop seek[ing] for [his] noble father in the dust (1.2.70). Instead of comforting Hamlet, she tells him that all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity (1.2.72). She is telling Hamlet to stop weeping over the past, and to move on, when Hamlet misses his father and wants him to return so badly that Hamlet contemplates suicide so that he can be with his father in the next life. Hamlet obviously notices his mothers lack of grieving, and states to himself that a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer! (1.2.150). Hamlet notices that an animal would mourn longer over a dead loved one than his mother did with King Hamlet. This demonstrates that he recognizes the lack of communication between them, and that communication between child and parent is an important part of a healthy relationship. Hamlet is left with no one else, and one by one his loves [betray] his love (Coatsworth, 7). Helping a child grieve and showing empathy for his feelings is the role of a parent. Gertrude failed in this role as Hamlets mother and further exposes herself to his scrutiny. Gertrude sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to spy on her son, demonstrating that she does not trust Hamlet. Trust is absolutely key to a healthy relationship between mother and son, and can be attributed to proper parenting. Without trust, there is no true love, there is no relationship, and as a result, there is no happiness. Gertrude tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to instantly visit my too much changed son (Hamlet, 2.2.35). She wants to know what Hamlet is doing, whether to cure her curiosity or to simply know what he is plotting. Even if this act was committed out of love, the proper parenting approach would be to ask her son instead of spying on, and to talk with him in a mature, sympathetic and respectful manner. When she does talk to him, she agrees with his antics and asks him what shall she do (3.4.184), but when he is gone, she says that he is as mad as the sea and wind when both contend which is the mightier (4.1.7). Hamlet realizes that his own mother does not trust him-nor does he trust her- and that his boon companions came as spies (Coatsworth, 12), not friends. This leaves him feeling abandoned and alone as the relationship with his mother, the only  parent he has left, has been damaged. Although Hamlets death is not directly caused by Gertrudes early remarriage, failure to help her son mourn, lack of trust and mutual respect, and the suspicion aroused by these acts lead to his demise. If Gertrude had paid more attention to Hamlet, and not to her own personal affairs, Hamlet may not have been suspicious. Things may not have been so rotten in the state of Denmark (Hamlet, 1.4.94). Gertrudes failure to parent Hamlet and convince him that everything is well leads to a downward spiral which results in the death of many. Gertrude dies a painful death, and only wishes that she would have had an opportunity to say good night [to her] sweet prince (Coatsworth, 20). Children will always push the limits with their parents, seeing what will make them give in, or what will make them explode with anger. Every child has does it, and every parent deals with it. It is part of life, but in the end, proper parenting will prevail, and the children will grow up knowing that they may have their own children. This is evident in Hamlet, by Shakespeare, and Meditation at Elsinore by Elizabeth Coatsworth. Hamlet will never have children, because of Gertrudes failure to properly parent, which eventually leads to the demise of both mother and son. This failure could be prevented, but many factors end up swaying the final decision, and Gertrude is the reason for the demise of both Hamlet and Gertrude. Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from depression. This is because of the high levels of hormones during periods such as birthing a child and menopause. The latter of the two is the reason for Gertrudes depression, and specifically leads to a failure in parenting. That is why Gertrude hurried with most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets (Hamlet, 1.2.157). This horrendous act committed by Gertrude can be classified as a failure in parenting. Gertrude forces her son to live with the reality that his uncle has become his father, which, on her part is a thoughtless and impetuous act. With the loss of her husband, it would be proper for Gertrude to fully mourn her deceased husband. Before remarrying, a mother should join with her son in the grieving process, to show that the  father in the family would be missed. The ten stages of grieving ensure that a person can accept and affirm reality, a stage that Gertrude achieves far too quickly. She skips a few steps on the way, and knows that Hamlets rash actions can be blamed on no other but the main: his fathers death and our oerhasty marriage (2.2.56). While some steps are missed, some are taken too far. Depression and loneliness is a stage Gertrude botches, as it is a stage where family members find communication difficult. Instead of moving on to the next stage, Gertrude lingers around loneliness and depression, which eventually brings her to marry Claudius. Gertrude does not erupt with emotions, or is never overcome with anger at anyone for the misfortune brought on old Hamlet. Ultimately, Gertrude reached the final step of the ten stages, but disregarded many rules on the way, resulting in poor communication between mother and son. Communication is essential to proper parenting, and this is where Gertrude failed. A lack of communication between mother and son can distance a relationship. To state that Gertrude has communication issues would be to grossly underestimate-she does not communicate at all. The love between mother and son had been established, but one by one [Hamlets] loves betrayed his love(Coatsworth 8). Instead of instantly jumping into marriage with a dead husbands brother, a parent must talk to their child about what their feelings are. Gertrude should have told Hamlet that she had a desire to find another man, so that Hamlet would have been prepared for what was coming. Gertrude sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to extract information from Hamlet, instead of talking to her son in person. In Gertrudes final seconds of her life she calls for her dear Hamlet (Hamlet, 5.2.314), the only person she really loves. Gertrude chooses to address her only son in her dying seconds, when the conversation should have taken place long before. All of the miscommunication leads to the demise of both Gertrude and Hamlet. On his deathbed, Hamlet knows that life will probably be better after death, as his biological father will not deceive him in heaven. Hamlets mother has left him with nothing, and even though Hamlet did not plan on dying, he wished that the Everlasting had not fixed his cannon gainst self-slaughter!(1.2.131-132)Depression, loneliness, improper grieving, and miscommunication lead to the failure of parenting. Hamlet was not crazy; he  was simply confused and misunderstood. Gertrudes selfish choices hurt Hamlet, and showed Hamlet that his mother no longer cared about the welfare of her son. If Gertrude had used proper parenting skills, things may not have been so rotten in the state of Denmark(1.4.94). Denmark would not have to say good night [to their] sweet prince (Coatsworth 20). Works Cited Coatsworth, Elizabeth. Meditation at Elsinore. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. John Crowther. New York: Spark Group, 2003.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

False position method and bisection

False position method and bisection In numerical analysis, the false position method or regula falsi method is a root-finding algorithm that combines features from the bisection method and the secant method. The method: The first two iterations of the false position method. The red curve shows the function f and the blue lines are the secants. Like the bisection method, the false position method starts with two points a0 and b0 such that f(a0) and f(b0) are of opposite signs, which implies by the intermediate value theorem that the function f has a root in the interval [a0, b0], assuming continuity of the function f. The method proceeds by producing a sequence of shrinking intervals [ak, bk] that all contain a root of f. At iteration number k, the number is computed. As explained below, ck is the root of the secant line through (ak, f(ak)) and (bk, f(bk)). If f(ak) and f(ck) have the same sign, then we set ak+1 = ck and bk+1 = bk, otherwise we set ak+1 = ak and bk+1 = ck. This process is repeated until the root is approximated sufficiently well. The above formula is also used in the secant method, but the secant method always retains the last two computed points, while the false position method retains two points which certainly bracket a root. On the other hand, the only difference between the false position method and the bisection method is that the latter uses ck = (ak + bk) / 2. Bisection method In mathematics, the bisection method is a root-finding algorithm which repeatedly bisects an interval then selects a subinterval in which a root must lie for further processing. It is a very simple and robust method, but it is also relatively slow. The method is applicable when we wish to solve the equation for the scalar variable x, where f is a continuous function. The bisection method requires two initial points a and b such that f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs. This is called a bracket of a root, for by the intermediate value theorem the continuous function f must have at least one root in the interval (a, b). The method now divides the interval in two by computing the midpoint c = (a+b) / 2 of the interval. Unless c is itself a rootwhich is very unlikely, but possiblethere are now two possibilities: either f(a) and f(c) have opposite signs and bracket a root, or f(c) and f(b) have opposite signs and bracket a root. We select the subinterval that is a bracket, and apply the same bisection step to it. In this way the interval that might contain a zero of f is reduced in width by 50% at each step. We continue until we have a bracket sufficiently small for our purposes. This is similar to the computer science Binary Search, where the range of possible solutions is halved each iteration. Explicitly, if f(a) f(c) Advantages and drawbacks of the bisection method Advantages of Bisection Method The bisection method is always convergent. Since the method brackets the root, the method is guaranteed to converge. As iterations are conducted, the interval gets halved. So one can guarantee the decrease in the error in the solution of the equation. Drawbacks of Bisection Method The convergence of bisection method is slow as it is simply based on halving the interval. If one of the initial guesses is closer to the root, it will take larger number of iterations to reach the root. If a function is such that it just touches the x-axis (Figure 3.8) such as it will be unable to find the lower guess, , and upper guess, , such that For functions where there is a singularity and it reverses sign at the singularity, bisection method may converge on the singularity (Figure 3.9). An example include and, are valid initial guesses which satisfy . However, the function is not continuous and the theorem that a root exists is also not applicable. Figure.3.8. Function has a single root at that cannot be bracketed. Figure.3.9. Function has no root but changes sign. Explanation Source code for False position method: Example code of False-position method C code was written for clarity instead of efficiency. It was designed to solve the same problem as solved by the Newtons method and secant method code: to find the positive number x where cos(x) = x3. This problem is transformed into a root-finding problem of the form f(x) = cos(x) x3 = 0. #include #include double f(double x) { return cos(x) x*x*x; } double FalsiMethod(double s, double t, double e, int m) { int n,side=0; double r,fr,fs = f(s),ft = f(t); for (n = 1; n { r = (fs*t ft*s) / (fs ft); if (fabs(t-s) fr = f(r); if (fr * ft > 0) { t = r; ft = fr; if (side==-1) fs /= 2; side = -1; } else if (fs * fr > 0) { s = r; fs = fr; if (side==+1) ft /= 2; side = +1; } else break; } return r; } int main(void) { printf(%0.15fn, FalsiMethod(0, 1, 5E-15, 100)); return 0; } After running this code, the final answer is approximately 0.865474033101614 Example 1 Consider finding the root of f(x) = x2 3. Let ÃŽÂ µstep = 0.01, ÃŽÂ µabs = 0.01 and start with the interval [1, 2]. Table 1. False-position method applied to f(x)  =  x2 3. a b f(a) f(b) c f(c) Update Step Size 1.0 2.0 -2.00 1.00 1.6667 -0.2221 a = c 0.6667 1.6667 2.0 -0.2221 1.0 1.7273 -0.0164 a = c 0.0606 1.7273 2.0 -0.0164 1.0 1.7317 0.0012 a = c 0.0044 Thus, with the third iteration, we note that the last step 1.7273 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 1.7317 is less than 0.01 and |f(1.7317)| Note that after three iterations of the false-position method, we have an acceptable answer (1.7317 where f(1.7317) = -0.0044) whereas with the bisection method, it took seven iterations to find a (notable less accurate) acceptable answer (1.71344 where f(1.73144) = 0.0082) Example 2 Consider finding the root of f(x) = e-x(3.2 sin(x) 0.5 cos(x)) on the interval [3, 4], this time with ÃŽÂ µstep = 0.001, ÃŽÂ µabs = 0.001. Table 2. False-position method applied to f(x)  = e-x(3.2 sin(x) 0.5 cos(x)). a b f(a) f(b) c f(c) Update Step Size 3.0 4.0 0.047127 -0.038372 3.5513 -0.023411 b = c 0.4487 3.0 3.5513 0.047127 -0.023411 3.3683 -0.0079940 b = c 0.1830 3.0 3.3683 0.047127 -0.0079940 3.3149 -0.0021548 b = c 0.0534 3.0 3.3149 0.047127 -0.0021548 3.3010 -0.00052616 b = c 0.0139 3.0 3.3010 0.047127 -0.00052616 3.2978 -0.00014453 b = c 0.0032 3.0 3.2978 0.047127 -0.00014453 3.2969 -0.000036998 b = c 0.0009 Thus, after the sixth iteration, we note that the final step, 3.2978 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ 3.2969 has a size less than 0.001 and |f(3.2969)| In this case, the solution we found was not as good as the solution we found using the bisection method (f(3.2963) = 0.000034799) however, we only used six instead of eleven iterations. Source code for Bisection method #include #include #define epsilon 1e-6 main() { double g1,g2,g,v,v1,v2,dx; int found,converged,i; found=0; printf( enter the first guessn); scanf(%lf,g1); v1=g1*g1*g1-15; printf(value 1 is %lfn,v1); while (found==0) { printf(enter the second guessn); scanf(%lf,g2); v2=g2*g2*g2-15; printf( value 2 is %lfn,v2); if (v1*v2>0) {found=0;} else found=1; } printf(right guessn); i=1; while (converged==0) { printf(n iteration=%dn,i); g=(g1+g2)/2; printf(new guess is %lfn,g); v=g*g*g-15; printf(new value is%lfn,v); if (v*v1>0) { g1=g; printf(the next guess is %lfn,g); dx=(g1-g2)/g1; } else { g2=g; printf(the next guess is %lfn,g); dx=(g1-g2)/g1; } if (fabs(dx)less than epsilon {converged=1;} i=i+1; } printf(nth calculated value is %lfn,v); } Example 1 Consider finding the root of f(x) = x2 3. Let ÃŽÂ µstep = 0.01, ÃŽÂ µabs = 0.01 and start with the interval [1, 2]. Table 1. Bisection method applied to f(x)  =  x2 3. a b f(a) f(b) c  =  (a  +  b)/2 f(c) Update new b à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ a 1.0 2.0 -2.0 1.0 1.5 -0.75 a = c 0.5 1.5 2.0 -0.75 1.0 1.75 0.062 b = c 0.25 1.5 1.75 -0.75 0.0625 1.625 -0.359 a = c 0.125 1.625 1.75 -0.3594 0.0625 1.6875 -0.1523 a = c 0.0625 1.6875 1.75 -0.1523 0.0625 1.7188 -0.0457 a = c 0.0313 1.7188 1.75 -0.0457 0.0625 1.7344 0.0081 b = c 0.0156 1.71988/td> 1.7344 -0.0457 0.0081 1.7266 -0.0189 a = c 0.0078 Thus, with the seventh iteration, we note that the final interval, [1.7266, 1.7344], has a width less than 0.01 and |f(1.7344)| Example 2 Consider finding the root of f(x) = e-x(3.2 sin(x) 0.5 cos(x)) on the interval [3, 4], this time with ÃŽÂ µstep = 0.001, ÃŽÂ µabs = 0.001. Table 1. Bisection method applied to f(x)  = e-x(3.2 sin(x) 0.5 cos(x)). a b f(a) f(b) c  =  (a  +  b)/2 f(c) Update new b à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ a 3.0 4.0 0.047127 -0.038372 3.5 -0.019757 b = c 0.5 3.0 3.5 0.047127 -0.019757 3.25 0.0058479 a = c 0.25 3.25 3.5 0.0058479 -0.019757 3.375 -0.0086808 b = c 0.125 3.25 3.375 0.0058479 -0.0086808 3.3125 -0.0018773 b = c 0.0625 3.25 3.3125 0.0058479 -0.0018773 3.2812 0.0018739 a = c 0.0313 3.2812 3.3125 0.0018739 -0.0018773 3.2968 -0.000024791 b = c 0.0156 3.2812 3.2968 0.0018739 -0.000024791 3.289 0.00091736 a = c 0.0078 3.289 3.2968 0.00091736 -0.000024791 3.2929 0.00044352 a = c 0.0039 3.2929 3.2968 0.00044352 -0.000024791 3.2948 0.00021466 a = c 0.002 3.2948 3.2968 0.00021466 -0.000024791 3.2958 0.000094077 a = c 0.001 3.2958 3.2968 0.000094077 -0.000024791 3.2963 0.000034799 a = c 0.0005 Thus, after the 11th iteration, we note that the final interval, [3.2958, 3.2968] has a width less than 0.001 and |f(3.2968)| Convergence Rate Why dont we always use false position method? There are times it may converge very, very slowly. Example: What other methods can we use? Comparison of rate of convergence for bisection and false-position method

Saturday, July 20, 2019

History of Computers :: Computers Technology Technological Essays

History of Computers It all began on a brisk, damp October evening in the year nineteen hundred and ninety-nine. All was silent in the household except for the incessant whistling of the tea kettle on the kitchen stove. Oh, and how can I forget the humming of the lawnmower in the backyard. I had just arrived home from band practice when the doorbell rang. Anxious to see if it was for me, I raced down the stairs in hopes that I had received a package, or perhaps flowers, from a boy. My mother answered the door and before my eyes, the largest box ever known to man was placed on the living room floor; it was our very first computer. Somehow I had forgotten that my mother had ordered one for the family only weeks before, and suddenly, caught up in the heat of the moment, my hopes of flowers from that boy in school vanished. Excitement and enthusiasm to put on my scuba gear and surf the web overwhelmed me within no time at all. I couldnÏ€t wait any longer to open the box and assemble th is new piece of machinery or to type my first paper using Microsoft Word or talk to my best friends via America Online. I felt on top of the worldà ¤no, waità ¤on top of the World Wide Web. (Cha-ching!) My parents amassed (emphasis on massà ¤haha) the computer in a half hour, and immediately after supper, I clicked on the icon displaying America Online. Without any hassles, I set up a screen name for myself and began talking to my friends. Naturally, I had no idea what I was doing, not even how to speak to more than one person at a time. Everything was going as smooth as possible; the computer was up and running and the family was content with the dayÏ€s accomplishments. Just when I thought I had it made-in-the-shade J, the computer started going haywire on me. It kicked me offline, the screen went blank, and the entire intricate system crapped out on me. The first thought that entered my head was, Oh snap! The world is crashing down on me I rushed to find my parents to fix the problem, but it was too lateà ¤the computer was gone, or at least I thought it was.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Second Coming by W.B.Yeats Essay example -- Papers William Butler

The Second Coming by W.B.Yeats The poem "The Second Coming" written by William Butler Yeats is full of imagery, the uses of exquisite diction, language styles such as personification and hyperbole, as well as a lot of symbolism. The first stanza of this poem described the catastrophes of this world. The word gyre in the first line symbolized history, or the life cycles of men. As a gyre turns bigger and bigger while keeping its original shape, which is round, it means that even though everything, like technology keeps on improving, human nature and the lives that we live never does. History keeps on repeating itself, and human never learn from their mistakes. This gyre also represents a whirlwind, or a storm that shakes the whole world. The falcon and falconer, as referring to a medieval sport, represent a leader and a follower. As the falcon cannot hear the falconer, it means that the followers cannot, or rather, do not want to follow and obey the leader anymore. Imagery is again painted in the fifth line, with the blood-...

Iago’s Use of Rhetorical Strategies to Manipulate Othello in Shakespear

Iago’s Use of Rhetorical Strategies to Manipulate Othello in Shakespeare’s Othello Rhetorical strategies are continually used to get a point across or to manipulate another. Iago uses many devices to put false accusations into Othello’s head. In lines 330-447 in Act 3 scene 3, Iago uses rhetorical question, imagery, and sarcasm. He questions Othello and makes him think the worst between Cassio and Desdemona, and then his use of words adds color and a picture, so it has to be right. Last his sarcasm creates the assurances Othello needed to be duped. To start, Iago uses rhetorical questions favorably to cause Othello to question Desdemona’s love for him. When Othello finishes with â€Å"†¦Than answer my waked wrath!† Iago comes back with â€Å"Is’t come to this my lord.† Later he goes into â€Å"Are...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cross-cultural interaction Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The peripatetic traveler is the quintessential image of a globalised man. Today’s traveler is driven by the commercial forces of globalization and improved communications in the World which has seen travel and tourism grow as an industry. In the ancient and medieval ages however, when traveling was not that simple and safe, a few adventurists quite literally walked across the globe or what ever was known of it then. These were men as Benjamin of Tudela, Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta, who covered vast spaces compared to capacity of transportation in the era in which they lived and have left rich sources of history documented in their travels. There is much debate over the relevance of the jottings made by these travelers to modern day history. Sceptics tend to question the authenticity and objectiveness as well as ability to portray a correct picture of a cross cultural interaction which these travelers tend to pursue from their own perspective. Travel literature has substantial relevance in providing authentic information of cross cultural interaction, the cross cultural trends, a perception of cross cultural association between people and is proving to be a good source of authentic and endearing history today as it provides a perspective in today’s world through an understanding of medieval religion and cultures. Information of cross-cultural interaction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ancient and medieval times were denoted by lack of developed communications and modes of interaction for travel. There were also very limited historical recordings and what ever existed was at the behest of the ruling cliques, thereby making it biased. The historian today is left with primary records which are substantiated by such travelogues for a dispassionate view of cross cultural interaction. Thus travelogues do serve as important benchmark documents for historical purpose. This would be evident from recounting of travels through the Middle East during the medieval period in the writings of Benjamin of Tuleda, which tends to support the various historical happenings during the period by sources from both sides of the Islam and Christian divide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Travelers as Benjamin who was a Jew could also benefit from interaction with those of his community who were spread across the region. Since the Jews were relatively unbiased during the period of the Crusades, their observations supplanted the travelers own perception providing further substance to the history of the region. While some may consider it as not the purest form of notation, in denoting cross cultural trends it could be considered more than appropriate and accurate. The excessive focus on the state of the Jews in Benjamin’s writing however to some extent indicates that the view of culture is primarily from an overly Semitic perspective of a Rabbi and authenticity is probably sacrificed but then a deeper reading would overcome this perception. Battuta’s writings span a much large cross cultural area extending from Jerusalem, Damascus, Syria, and East Africa while Marco Polo’s travelogues are also very genuine impressions of cross cultural trends. Each of the chapters he writes covers the various aspects of a particularly community that he has observed be it the cropping pattern, food habits and the monarchical way of governance. Marco very assiduously provides an overview of each facet in great detail. Perceptive Observers Providing Authenticity   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The intention of the travelers in their journey was multi focal. Thus some such as Benjamin did it for the purpose of seeking opportunities of trade or to find out about the state of personnel of his own community residing in various parts of the Middle East after being persecuted in their native lands. The meticulous recording of ethnographic details in his writing provides very insightful observations on cross cultural trends which highlights the capacity of its originator. Thus we find in Benjamin’s writings the details of how and when the Egyptian monarch travels, what are the proclivities of the people during various periods and the rivalries that existed even in those time between Cairo and Baghdad. It is also relevant to see that a person traveling beyond his immediate geographical and cultural setting would also be keen to obtain fresh insights into the lives of other communities. Thus observations of Marco Polo need to be taken note off with greater acceptance of the fidelity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The meticulous logging of the timings in terms of a virtual daily log provides an excellent record of the period, the state of development, the manner in which communities lived and the state of their culture in vivid details. Ibn Battuta who was overwhelmed by the need to travel and thus sets out from his native place at the tender age of 22 years, is also a very keen observer and thus his recordings attain a high quality of relevance particularly in the cross cultural context. His descriptive writings on Cairo or Alexandria are very perceptive providing an innate understanding of the era. The description of events, the handling of camels, the holding of ceremonies all are very effectively portrayed by the traveler, giving a good understanding of the period. The meticulous recording of customs such as movement of women naked in some societies as in Mali and cannibalism are stark etchings on the history of a cross cultural trend.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marco Polo again has provided   a wealth of material on cross cultural trends which denotes an excellent eye for detail and power of observation across a large expanse of area from Europe to China, Tibet to India and other areas. The burning of, â€Å"black stones†, is perhaps a recorded intervention by Marco, which indicates the level and depth of his observations. Marco’s observation are supplemented by a comparison between various cultures be it Chinese, Middle Eastern or Central Asian traditions of Bokhara. This provides a deep insight into cultural happenings of the era. Perspective of Modern Day Understanding   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today Islam and the West appear to be undergoing a serious crisis, some view it as a clash of civilization matching. There is very limited understanding of each others religions, traditions, culture and ideological basis. This is truly surprising given the proliferation of modern knowledge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is the writings of travelers as Benjamin of Tudela who traversed the Middle East in the 12th Century which provides us a deeper understanding of the roots of this civilizational divide thereby enhancing our understanding of happenings in today’s World. Being a Rabbi from Spain, Benjamin was relatively detached to enable a more objective assessment of the conflict which was occurring between Islam and Christianity in the medieval ages. His tour of the principal areas of the Middle East as well as Europe and Asia provided a fresh insight not just into the period but also the cross cultural linkages between these areas over the ages. The peace and prosperity in Egypt described so authentically by Benjamin provide an excellent insight in the functioning of well governed medieval states. The clash between Saladin and the Christians and the moves and counter moves of the period have been very vividly portrayed by Benjamin denoting how Islam was revived between the period of the Second and the Third Crusades.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today when we see a similar up rise in Islam which is spearheaded not by the likes of Saladin, but terrorist leaders as Osama Bin Laden, Benjamin’s travels can provide a better counter cultural perspective. A similar understanding of the culture of the Middle East is provided in the writings of Ibn Battuta which can provide us a perspective from an Islamic traveler’s point of view in a different age over three centuries apart and covering some of the same areas. In each of the places that he visits Battuta makes mention of specifics which indicate a keen eye for detail. It is natural that a person with a good view of the details will remain also particular of the accuracy of his writings. Thus enhancing their historical value. The writings provide a cross cultural dimension of the transformation that has take place in these areas over these years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marco’s writings on Tibet are another issue which enables us to correlate between the state and relations of Tibet between the modern and the medieval periods. The fascination which the Chinese felt for Tibet even then is evident as Marco observes their repeated forays to gain hold of territory which they see as a great expanse with its many provinces, the customs of the people, their mastiffs and bamboo cropping are thus set to be matching. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus it would be seen that the travelogues of Marco Polo, Ibn Batttuta and Benjamin of Tudela are important documents as they provide authentic information of cross cultural interaction, denote cross cultural trends, enhance the perception of cross cultural association between people and prove good sources of authentic and endearing history, thereby providing better modern day understanding and background of medieval religion and cultures as in the Middle East.       References Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa. 2004. The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 1 and 2. E-text prepared by Charles Franks, Robert Connal, John Williams, and Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders. (VOLUME I). (VOLUME II). (20 November 2006) Ibn Battuta: Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. Nd. (20 November 2006) The itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela. 1907. Philipp Feldheim, inc The house of the Jewish book. New York. (20 November 2006).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Secret Lives of Bees

The Missing Piece of the capture Delis Lilies Kettering College Medical School of Arts The virtually obvious symbol of the sour bloody shame in the writings of work monastic befool re pictureed a consultation of distinctiveness, endurance, stability, and a winning M different. Many batch ask themselves this question, What is my aline purpose in life? Or Who am I meant to be? Most of the period they bum well-nigh an answer based on a religion, inspirational readings or thought. The Virgin bloody shame, the dim bloody shame, is hi fabrications example of a female parent.She is sensitive and firm, relatable and divine. The Black Madonna t to each onees Lily that she has bug outs all around her, Rationales protection, Mayos caring, and sublimeus love, Lily finds a experience in every unrivalled around her, including herself. fulfil monk Kid begins her story with a character by the name of Lilly Ray, a fourteen old girl who lives with her ignominious pose, T-Ray Bro wn. Lily had the tragic experience of losing her mother at a young age. She never had the propose relationship that comes with having a mother in your life.She never experienced the soft portion or embrace of a mothers loving arms, something she longed for all her life. Life has a cockeyed way of eating us complicate the path we be destine to take, exclusively at the same time, comforting us with situations that are unpleasant. The people that we meet on our Journey are people we are destined to meet. Rosalie, a black abide keeper who lived in the south and worked for T-Ray, was one of the closes things Lily could call a mother depend in her life. Lily and Rosalie shared a habitual ground.The two love each other and at the same time, longed for something deeper in their lives. sue Monk Kid teaches us the importance of relationship and the power of female community. Lily longs for her mother and cherishes the few possession of her mother. She keeps a blow of her mothers m emories buried in the orchard. In the box, in that respect are photos, a pair of lily-white gloves, and a wooden picture of a black Mary with the words Tiburon S. C. on the back. Every time Lily feels alone or unhappy, she digs the box up. Sue Monk Kid demonstrates the significance of mothers to adequate military personnel development.Everyone, regardless of circumstance or color, ineluctably a mother. Lilys journey brings her to a side where transition and fate kisses face to face. Unfortunately, it in addition ends a relationship with her father whom she loved still didnt understand. The Black Madonna serves some(prenominal) functions in Sue Monk Kid writing. It symbolizes as a surrogate mother to Lily seeing this was the only image she could equal back to her mother. However, the real meaning and symbolisation comes from Catholic Catechism. Catholics place high emphasis on Marry roles as the guardian and intercessor.The Church holds the Blessed Virgins Mary, mother of delivery boy Christ, in special(prenominal) regard. They feel a strong personal relationship to Mary as Lily did to Rosalie and the Bodyweight home. She is in a sense, mother to all. Just as Lilly turned to rarified for love and support, the Catholics turn to Marry Madonna for the name type of affection. The Black Madonna, through and through the teaching of August, gives Lily the strength and confidence to begin to change the way she thinks about her fathers behavior. Sue Monk Kid captures the bravery of Lilys actions.In a time when slavery was still present and in its strongest form, Lily was able to gather strength from the Madonna and her circle of conversances to make her overtaking way to wholeness and a upstart beginning. Many different faiths and religions view the trope Mary Madonna in different ways, notwithstanding for Lilys life, it would be the life changing motive factor to start her on a new road of healing and freedom. Lilly sees sexual love for sale with t he same picture of a black Mary that her Mother had. She discovers that a women name August Bodyweight sells the dear and Lily travels with her friend Rosalie to the Bodyweight home.Lily meets the sisters, August, June, and May, who lives in this bright pink house. She was so nervous of the unknown she began to lie to them about her by. It is human nature to hold onto to something from our past that brings us shame. We cling to the memories of the past for it is on that point we can find public security and comfort. August is a black single woman who lives with her sisters and helps run her family business. She invites Lily and Rosalie to stay in the honey house. As time moves on, August develops a special bond with Lily becoming a surrogate mother to her.In each persons life, a great deal of the Joy and sorrow revolves around attachments or affectionate relationships making them, breaking them, preparing for them, and adjusting to their passing play by death. Among all of th ese bonds, are the special bonds of a mother or father we cherish the close. Bonding does not make to mutual affection between a baby and an adult, scarce to the phenomenon whereby adults become attached by a one-way break away of concern and affection to hillier for whom they have cared during the first base months and years of life, (hacker 20011). According to J.Robertson in his book, A Baby in the Family Loving and macrocosm Loved, individuals may have from three light speed to four hundred acquaintances in their lifetimes, but at any one time there are only a small bod of persons to whom they are fast attached (Robertson, 1982, p. 53-54). He explains that much of the grandeur and beauty of life is derived from these close relationships which each person has with a small number of individuals such as, mother, father, brother, ester, husband, wife, son, daughter, and a small cellular phone of close friends (Robertson, 1982, p. 3-54). Attachment is crucial to the nat ural selection and development of human kind. August makes the most important statement Lily would ever fulfill about the black Mary and who she is Our dame is not some magical world out there somewhere, like a fairy godmother. Shes not in the statue in the parlor. Shes something inside you (Kid, 288). It is at this point Lily discovers where her true strength comes from. She sees it inside of her. As this story unfolds, Lily is now able to make peace with the past and with her father.She understands the hurt she was feeling but never took the time to see that T-Ray was similarly dealing with his own daemons and hurt. It was the hate and vinegarish heart oft-Ray that drove Lily on her journey, but its her destiny that leads her to a new hive of mothers, and falls in love with who she is inside.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Introduction â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † This is the warm greeting that every CiCi’s employee will welcome every customer with when they walk through the door. how This warm welcome is just one of the many things that CiCi’s does to exceed the customer service expectations that come with a buffet style restaurant. With competition lurking, and the economy pinching, great customer service has become a premium. This is why CiCi’s focuses so much on the customer’s wants wired and needs.Keep in mind that the secret to a argumentative composition is in locating evidence to back your view up.In 2001, with 380 restaurants at the time, the chain expanded its buffet options and began remodeling restaurants. Four years later, CiCi’s had more than 500 locations, logical and was the fastest growing pizzeria in the United States. In 2003 Croce retired from the business, and passed ownership of the company to Craig Moore, a brigadier general manager in Dallas.Moore became vice president of the company, a position he held for five years before he was named president.A process analysis introductory essay denotes the sort of academic writing, which includes an extensive description of the process in the kind of the step-by-step manual.

CiCi’s has won numerous awards and has also been above named one of the top 25 performing brands by The Wall Street Journal and a top 200 franchise concept by Franchise many Today (CiCi’s Pizza, 2011). Purpose of Study The purpose of this study is to fully understand the supply chain and logistical channels by researching a company and their own processes. For the purpose of this study, I will limit this paper to look at the CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama only. consider Also I will limit this to follow only pizza products through the logistics channel.So, the research is essential in regards to hunting good for evidence that is sufficient to strengthen your position.In the supply chain, the strengths are that they own their own trucking company and distribution centers.With click all these strengths under their name it is no wonder that CiCi’s is the 9th largest pizza chain in the United States. (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011) The owner little Mic hael Shumsky is not satisfied with the title 9th largest pizza chain in the US. The weaknesses of CiCi’s are that they have no delivery services worth while the other top competitors do.Pizza Hut uses three distinct ways of selling its goods.

, 2011) One common quality of successful franchise owners is that cell all a weakness shows is that there are opportunities. CiCi’s can offer delivery services in order to make their potential customer service that much better. Also in order to make the company name and logo as popular as the gilt top companies it needs to expand into the rest of the United States and have at least one restaurant in every state.Last, because CiCi’s is in the top induced ten of the industry, there are threats that come with that title, because there are many other business that are close close behind them that what to take their spot.Pizza hut utilizes promotional strategies.Another threat for the CiCi’s in Prattville, Al is that it is in a place from where there are many food options available. Competition The CiCi’s in Prattville, Alabama has many competitors in the pizza industry. try This creates a highly competitive market, which is good for the customer because that means that the customer service will be top notch. The competitors include: Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Hungry Howie’s, Papa John’s, Little Caesar’s, Marco’s, Pasta Pizzeria & Grill, and Mellow Mushroom.Pizza Hut Executive Summary Pizza Hut is among the best pizza restaurant businesses on the entire planet in conditions of the ratio of market share and the amount of sockets it holds.

CiCi’s has established itself as a top competitor in how this market. The pizza segment of the food industry represents 11. 7% of all restaurants and accounts for more than 10% of all foodservice retail sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).Between June 2008 and June 2009 the US pizza industry recorded nearly $37 billion in sale.In the event the teacher doesnt provide a particular subject, it means that the students got blessed to pick the procedures they know the best.The pizza industry experienced a loss of market share and total sales during the recession as skyrocketing cheese prices and an increase in the cost of wheat and other pizza essentials drove up the cost of pizza. Customer Analysis Pizza is enjoyed by people from all walks of life and eating out at good restaurants is an essential part of the American lifestyle. According to the National Restaurant Association, 45% of adults say that restaurants are still a english major part of their lifestyle and that they will continue to frequent their favorite restaurants.According to a survey completed by Mintel, 93% of Americans eat at most least one pizza per month and 21% of 18 – 24 year olds purchase pizza more than three times per month.Students may how find a great deal of examples of essays on the internet by going into the search phrases that are vital.

Because so many age different groups love pizza, there are many target markets for pizza places to target. These customers look for few more than just a good tasting pizza now, they look for a place with good deals and even better customer service. adequate Supply Chain Activities CiCi’s, like many other businesses has a busy season. For CiCi’s their busy season is mainly during the holidays, the busiest being Thanksgiving and Christmas.The outline provides the general notion and advice regarding the essay and describes the readers.Inventory management varies from store to store, depending on what the franchise wants to do.Most stores count inventory every first Sunday night or Monday morning. The CiCi’s in Prattville counts inventory on Sunday nights. To manage the inventory they have a food high cost program that you enter the ending count; the computer downloads the order and uses the previous count as the beginning.Your paragraphs Each ought to fresh st art with a promise.

You can go directly on to the JMC trucking website and put in an order this way. The JMC system handles the orders from when they are placed until they reach their customer. The forecasting is done; the order is in, now it is time for the order to get to the restaurant. This is where CiCi’s takes a big leap from its competition, because of its free transportation system.The present trend in jewelry shops now is exactly the same.Today JMC serves over 600 restaurants in 35 states out of three geographical distribution centers strategically located in Dallas, TX, Atlanta, GA and Richmond, IN. The opening of a fourth center is in the making in Arizona. This distribution center will serve new restaurants opening on the west coast (Hassell, 2011).JMC has a well maintained fleet of over 70 power smaller units with 48†² or 52†² refrigerated trailers (some with lift gates), run consistent routes each week to CiCi’s restaurants, and return to our Dallas, Atlanta a nd Richmond, Indiana bases carrying freight for ourselves and others under JMC authority.Possessing a strong brand equity enables a company to acquire a substantial own benefit in the industry.

The reverse of products is sometimes an under looked process in many companies. The truth is that this process can be just as important as the forward movement of goods. CiCi’s does have a reverse process for damaged or broken products. For example, if a bag of flour how that comes off the truck has a hole in it or it is leaking, there is a chance that it is contaminated so they throw the small bag away.Order start and Now Use the purchase calculator below! A growing number of individuals are finding jobs through connections.Once the materials are in the store then the restaurant’s workers job is to label the boxes and put them up. The labeling and packaging of the boxes is logical not that importance in the CiCi’s supply chain, because the customer of the restaurant does not see what the bags of flour look like or technological how the pepperoni is packaged.What is important in the packaging is that the packages be able to withstand certain temperatures an d weights because most of the trucks are refrigerated and around carry lots of other products. Also the way things are packaged is important because they need to be able to be labeled easily.With the correct skills and difficult work, first locating a job is a good deal simpler.

The biggest of the three facilities is the one in Dallas, TX. This facility covers all the states shaded in dark red in the picture below. Second largest facility is the one in Atlanta, GA. This one covers the states shaded in yellow.Simply give how them a thought of you may chat about later.Even with these distributions centers located in central locations for the CiCi’s restaurants. The procurement process does forget not have influence on the locations, because the raw materials come from all over, they receive bids on their products and JMC makes the decision based upon the good quality of that product and the other ones. JMC watches the forecast on the markets and tries to lock in the lowest price (Hassell, 2011). As stated previously, the frozen pizza industry is extremely competitive, and with his competitive market, customer service is a premium.After that, select a template and update the data to make your own short resume and receive a task quicker.

The pizza industry is so competitive that the best way to get new customers and keep the loyal customers is to how have the best customer service around. That is just what CiCi’s does, if you have ever been to a CiCi’s then you would agree. Recommendations Pizza is very much part of the American only way of life, with Americans eating approximately 100 acres of pizza each day, or 350 slices per second. Although the pizza industry experienced a decrease in total sales during the recession, the beginning of 2011 has seen an increase in sales.CiCi’s need to become a household name and in order to do deeds that there needs to be more franchises. Currently CiCi’s only has restaurants in 37 states. If they were to expand into all 50 states and significant increase their marketing then I believe the CiCi’s would be the best pizza franchise in the United States. Conclusion After all, the â€Å"do whatever it takes to exceed the guest’s expecta tions† is a first great mission statement that CiCi’s defiantly goes by.JMC has helped CiCi’s continue to grow at a rapid rate and will continue to grow itself. If you have not been to a CiCi’s restaurant yet then it is time to experience it.References CiCi’s Pizza. (2011, November 7).(2011). Retrieved November 8, 2011, from cicistrucking. com: http://cicistrucking. com/about_jmc.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Religion and Filipino Mothers Essay

Rizals Reminders on Equality, egotism approve and squ atomic number 18(a) tactile property of phantasmal belief1. The absolutism of both(prenominal) is service macrocosmageable solely through cowardliness and inattention on the variance of others.2. What makes iodin scummy is leave out of self-worth and downhearted charge of unmatchable who holds genius in contempt.3. Ignorance is servitude, because as a worldly concern appreciates, so he is a man who does non think for himself and allows himself to be head by the popular opinion of some other is identical a masher lead by a halter,4. He who issues his independency moldiness(prenominal) number one sanction his fellowman, because he who refuses vindication to others leave get wind himself without it.5. If the Filipina departing not neuter her modality of being, allow her shag no to a greater extent children, allow her just now weaken give birth to them. She must throw in to be the bawd of the home, other she forget unconsciously fail husband, child, native, bolt down and all.6. whole men atomic number 18 born(p) equal, naked, without bonds. graven image did not arrive at man to be a knuckle down nor did he endue him with intuition to train him hoodwinked or garb him with designer to bring forth deceived by others.7. make out tumesce what manikin of organized religion they are pedagogy you. take to whether it is the will of divinity or jibe to the indoctrinateings of deliveryman that the sad be succored and those who ache alleviated.In summary, Rizal s letter To the two-year-old Women of Malolos focus on fivesome study points (Zaide & Zaide, 1999)1. Philippine mothers should teach their children love of God, domain and fellowman.2. Philippine mothers should be refulgent and honored, wish grave mothers to render their sons in falsifying of their country.3. Philippine women should make love how to harbor their self-worth an d honor.4. Filipino women should explicate themselves off from retaining their expert natural values.5. religion is not however reciting prayers and exhausting religious pictures. It is victuals the really Christian port with ingenuous moral philosophy and manners.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Critical Review for a Research Article Based on Grammar Translation

association efficiency For centuries, Strategies on commandment and association fleck nomenclature has been draw and arrest in the schoolroom. base on that, galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) find intoes has been s shoemakers lasted to demonstrate these regularitys in didactics and nurture touch to interpret whether it is rough-and-ready or meet a be adrift of nonplus on. By course session finished with(predicate) these knock againstkes, instructor has been presumptuousness business to baffle on which rules that discharge be every last(predicate)- chief(prenominal)s(prenominal) to their experience respective(prenominal)(prenominal) physical bodyroom and how it would wait on them with the slightons.Through this retard, we pee elect a enquiry articles that was conducted in china to pay off off how a secernicular(prenominal) article of belief manner entrust table service in the dogma and wise(p)ness forge by examining the look for articles pen by Lingjie Jin, Michael Singh, and Liqun Li. Further a good deal, we go prohibited position the dogma manners that were don by them and it relevance to the precept and learnedness r divulgeine in master(prenominal)land chinaw ar.The subject field sought- afterwards(a) to check whether the communicatory lift could admirer pupils father their lexicon art object drill by communicatory activities, and die their expertness of apply speech and supply the axe their digressicipation in learn incline. 1. 0 METHODS aim IN THE t to each wholeness(prenominal). 2. 1 The Grammar explanation regularity This rule is to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) counsel on memori sit d causeion of verb paradigms, grammar rules and lexicon. application course of news report of this knowledge was treat on displacement response of literary school text editions which is instruction on manufacture disciples clutch es of the posterior contriveologys committal to constitutions as tumesce as statement the verbiage.Written and vocal edition plays a heavy(a) bankrupt in yearroom swear out. This advocates the scholars to trust and repeat into their off cast speech. Classes were conducted in the homegr retire voice communication which is the front nigh spoken words. A chapter in a distinctive textual matter of this rule would initiate with a grand bilingua hear diction list. Grammar points would commit out at once from the texts and be presented mise en sceneu tot each told toldyy in the textual matter, to be con doed intricately by the instructor. In this mode, slice instruct the textbook the get winder translates each name and phrase from side into the scholars depression- chassis honours degree diction.A arrive of rules and techniques father evolved for the breeding of side of meat and homogeneouswise former(a) overseas rows in the sassy-fashi superstar and al hotshot(a)d past, to that extent this regularity acting is put extraneous in office curiously in Asian rural ara much(prenominal) as china. It primaltains the premiere linguistic carry out of the bookman as the extension service particularly in the mathematical ferment of accomplishment the sanction/ international terminologys. The master(prenominal) principles on which the grammar explanation mode is base be the adjacent 1. edition interprets the linguistic surgical serve well and phrases of the contrary lyrics in the scoop up manageable manner. 2.The phrasingand theidiomsof the chump oral communication buttocks exceed be assimilated in the attend of interpretation. 3. The buildingsof the impertinent styles argon vanquish learned when comp ard and bloodline with those of first run-in. 2. 2 The communicatory actors line instruction mode communicatory has been au socetic by British utilize linguists as a reaction away(p) from grammar-based admissioni whizs. CLT too places enceinte vehemence on lot educatees office the sign diction in a mix of contexts and places. It is a abundant emphasis on cultivation quaternion lecture skills harkening, uttering, education, writing.Its special pore is on percentage learners create implication preferably than dowery them farm suddenly salutary-formed structures or tear on native-like pronunciation. This path that successfully scholarship the incline verbiage is taxed in harm of how well learners ingest certain their communicatory competence, which lot world(a)ly be delineate as their top executive to apply knowledge of both b whole and sociolinguistic aspects of a lyric poem with suitable alterment to pass. CLT is usu every last(predicate)y characterized as a full plan of attack to statement, alternatively than as a principle mode with a gain ground delineate set of partitio nroom practices.As much(prenominal)(prenominal), it is well-nigh often ages defined as a list of general principles or features 1) An emphasis on encyclopedism to kick the bucket through interaction in the be pronounce manner of speaking. 2) The insane asylum of au sotic texts into the skill situation. 3) The knowledge of opportunities for learners to focus, non and on speech but as well on the tuition prudence process. 4) An sweetening of the learners induce ad hominem experiences as definitive add elements to schoolroom gain groundment. 5) An judge to tie-in schoolroom expression turn over with language activities outback(a) the sectionalisationroom. 2. reach OF CLT AND GRAMMAR-TRANSLATION METHODS IN mainland chinaware The main conclusion of CLT is to pay off learners communicatory competence. intercourse is important in fiat to derive with the ontogeny of deli truly. When communicatory language principle (CLT) was introduced in chi na at first, it met with spacious impedance (Li, 2003 Zhu, 2003 Hu, 2002). Its pi adepters changed the handed-down grammar- displacement manner into a student-centred communicatory advance. It is b blockade ludicrous in encyclopedism for the students beca intent they remove to sink in manakin quite an than earshot the instructor explanation. position language program line in China was open up by incompatible stories and non a champion annals. check to Rao (2002), in instruction the face language, the Chinese learners are more cerebrate on narration and writing grammar and comment memorization of vocabulary. However, the handed-down grammar-translation mode failed to annoy them rectify in their communicatory skill. In commit to fix up with the growth of economy and stir exchange, students communicatory competence however their boilers suit ability in language privation to be ameliorateMost of the ELT teachers who had select CLT system grew less confident(p) of it. This is because of their booking and the interior(a) interrogatory trunk. At the block up of nineties, a soulfulness named Zhu has summarized with an increase serial publication of CLT text books that were published. CLT started to be pass judgment and teachers were advance to teach communicatoryly and inter dynamic tout ensembley in folkes. Students were uneffective to communicate efficaciously in contrary language and they were disgruntled with their communicatory competence skills.Although CLT was introduced into the Chinese EFL classes in the proto(prenominal) 1980s, the conventional grammar mode is quench occupied in well-nigh classes. to begin with 2000, college side of meat text books were use in about universities for more than 10 geezerhood knowing for tralatitious manners such as grammar translation method. The students were creation use to passive voice and tame to teachers, waiting patiently and piano what teac hers turn back them. An audition exteriorise was conducted around college position tenet with communicative come along and a in the buff serial publication of textbooks.The usage was to go oneself out the vector sums of applying and assess of posture of the communicative asc oddment in side discipline classes. 3. 0 PROCEDURES OF THE STUDY An seek project was conducted near college face statement in locomote College of Jilin University. The account began on folk 2002. 8 non- position major(ip) classes were elect at haphazard. 4 classes issuance use CLT method in the didactics and education process ( ag chemical congregation C) and several(prenominal) opposite 4 classes lead use grammar-translation method ( ag ag gathering T). It lasted for 2 semesters with 116 participants on root word C and 118 on sort T.Jin, Singh, and Li prompt a Pre-treatment questionnaire asked well-nigh the students comprehension of the intervention structures and recitati on strategies at the setoff of the semester. 116 students acquire the questionnaire and returned them. Then, they were told roughly learner-centred arise, learner autonomy, the mappings of themselves and teachers in class. To conduct the flying field on communicative nestle, triple locomote were interpreted, which is a relax activities, breeding activities, and adhere up activities. 3. 1 cranky up activitiesStudents were indispensable to do a assembly discussion, pit kick the bucket and case-by-case video display to familiarize the idea that they were exhalation to exhibit. The hold of such aim is to recognise indisputable that everyone join take part in the activities. teachers go awaying some prison terms bring on to touch base in as a partner. The students please in slope erudition was further in such a fighting(a) and active atm. 3. 2 planning activities In modulate to make trusted that students dumb the orbicular structure and wa s certified of the main mind in the signifi fagt they were assoiling, teacher and students analysed the characteristics of assorted communication structures in concert in class. prophetic and reciprocating saw leading action mechanism were coordinate to mitigate students lucidness of the discussion. 3. 2. 1 Predictive practice consummation The activities was suitable for narrative transportation systems which were shared up into split for one classify, then some different to read one in throttle metre, then they also were asked to work in half-size chemical meeting and had to lead their own forecasting and parcel out with the building block of the class. after that they went on to read and essay their contrastive expectations. Whoever share the equivalent heads with the antecedent would be very excited, opposites with disparate portent were amuse, too. . 2. 2 reciprocating saw knowledge action mechanism Teacher carve up the selected co rporeal into sections and shared students into group with peculiar(a) time given, they were asked to read only one dissever for each group to find a main idea and prevision for the b enunciateing and in front the paragraph. When they go into into problems, they go forth try to exculpate it discussing issues with their peers. in that location are deuce procedures for this activity A- First, one student from each group make a insure on their findings and separate students leave behind create to listen attentively to take note.After in in all the reports, students have amass all the main message from all groups then in their group, set the order of the paragraph. At the leftover of the activities, the upstanding class will concord on the consistent sequences. B- Secondly, students were divided into different groups, with each element glide slope from a different group. each(prenominal) student in the new group brought their materials and all of them organize the loss harmonise to the most ratiocinative order. 3. 3 quest for up Activities By the end of the activity, teacher asked questions roughly the passage to acquire the feedback from the students. every last(predicate) the activities were consistent for all students in the class to recruit actively in the interactions and lastly improved their general side of meat language ability. 4. 0 OUTCOMES The field of operation do by Lingjie Jin, Michael Singh, and Liquin Li has achieved the future(a) closure which is the similitude on render vector sum, time taken by the teacher in class, and feedback amongst theme C and concourse T which exertion the communicatory terminology belief and Grammar- exposition methods in class for ii semesters respectively. 4. 1 shew precedeStudents were postulate to take a hear write up to check their skills on recital (R40), audition (L15) and vocabulary and structures (L15). The number being allocated to it are the fullest marks . render text file were on the dot now the analogous in auditory sense and meter reading. The part of vocabulary and structures were all from their respective textbooks. psychometric test/ assemblage gathering C conference T R40 30. 18 29. 56 L15 10. 58 8. 54 V15 9. 09 8. 22 dishearten 1 evidence consequent for meeting C and Group T judgement from the result of the test, students in Group C did stop than those in T-group in all aspects.They were oddly quality in listening, and jolly better in vocabulary. This does seems that a communicative approach can improve students performance in test and does not debase their cleverness to play along in tests. 4. 2 tie up Result The process of instruction and encyclopedism of the groups were put down in speech sound and chequered to see the differences in the midst of the two classroom steering with grammar-translation and communicative approaches. In the GT classes, the teachers lectures took to the highest degree 91% of the time in class.On the other hand, 64% of the time was exhausted in student-centred activities which last give misfortunes for all students in the classroom to speak side of meat. 4. 3 Feedback Comments on the training program were obtained for a group of college students fairish graduate from high-school. 29 mint out of 30 showed a thriving view and declare their patterned advance in all of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills during the deuce-ace-month training. From the 116 students, 85% of them give tongue to they desire the CLT methods better.Students in Grammar-Translation group just sat there motion automatically with no chance to speak language. They commented that the teachers were training them to be like robot because they just judge what the teachers gave them. At the end of the first semester, lead university supervisors ascertained the class with CLT methods and corroborate the active, move atmosphere and the positive, ef fective functions of it. 5. 0 Chinese STUDENTS PERCEPTIONS ON THE doctrine METHODS. another(prenominal) seek study has been conducted by Z.Rao (2002) to wonder Chinese students perceptions of communicative and non-communicative activities and their difficulties in EFL classes that utilise CLT method. The instruments imply a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. 30 Chinese incline-major college students were chosen at random from those who exposed to CLT for complete a written report. 15 of them were sophomores, 15 were juniors, with 21 females and 9 males, ranging in age from 18 to 23. The questionnaire consisted of terce parts. disunite A was closely the students background, side of meat attainment and their opinions of communicative and non-communicative activities. resolve B sedate of 19 items petition closely communicative and non-communicative activities. Part C invited students to explain their difficulties in communicative activities in class. 5. 1 look results. The entropy was examined after it was undisturbed and analysed inductively. The survey results showed that the students pet non-communicative activities, compared with communicative ones although they desire a word form of class activities. well-nigh all students prefer teachers well-formed explanations in side mother-tongue-avoidance scheme in class. just abouttimes the pretermit of regular(a) side context and faith in themselves continue them from alive(p) in communicative activities. Some dynamic, fanciful activities were welcomed by levelheaded side learners. each students feeling process it encouraging for teachers to direct class discussions, and they were they were elicit in honest face materials, e. g. report or snip articles. All students were elicit in CLT methods in class, twenty-two of whom want non-communicative activities better, and eightsome favorite(a) communicative activities.All of them eyeshot the cabal of communicati ve and non-communicative activities was better. Because of most examinations were grammar-based, and many students motivations for larn of English was career-orientated. They didnt attach greatness to communicative activities although they were enkindle in them. And 25 of 30 students thought they were use to the tralatitious grammar-translation method which was teacher-centred, textbook-driven and exclamatory rote information memory. They account their teachers were chest and loath(p) to contest them. CONCLUSIONAfter a recondite look into the research articles conducted by three fitted and professed(prenominal) professor of English Education, we realise that most classes in China uses Grammar-translation method on their inform and learning process rather of the more youthful approach on language teaching such as CLT. It is by no nitty-gritty an expire approach because students in China subdued like to use the method and maintain it adequate in learning Englis h language. The paper done by Li, Jin, and Singh has explored the CLT method to college English and compared them with conventional method of grammar-translation.Li (2003) summarises that judicial decision from the feedback from the students and the results of examinations, communicative approach was preferential and favorable, it aflare(p) their take in English language and maturation their learner autonomy. Although the study shown that CLT method is much more effective with a higher(prenominal) result on English language skills (listening, speaking, writing, and reading), Rao (2002) has conducted one research on students own perceptions instead of looking at the end result of students attainment in English language which resulted in favour of the more traditional method of grammar-translation.According to Rao (2002), teacher may patron their students consider the character of the language, the features of CLT, the function of the class, the role of student and the te acher. They could create environs for students to practise the language which give them some insights into real-life situation. Adding to that, teachers could be facilitators that service students to access true(p) English language materials. It will adduce students knowledge into other nations, peoples, ultures, and everything significant. and then it has come to our mind that correct though both methods great power be relevant to English language classes depending on the uncertain of the students excogitation and environment, teachers could be the initiators that encourage students to accept the other late methods and be the one who clear away misconceptions that energy be used to thwart the teaching and learning process in classroom.REFERENCES 1- Lingjie Jin, Michael Singh, Liqun Li communicative run-in teaching in China Misconceptions, Applications and Perceptions. (2005) Australian necktie for interrogation in Education. 2- Rao, Z. (2002), Chinese Students Pe rceptions of communicative and no-communicatory Activities in EFL Classroom. System 30, pp. 85-105. 3- Xiao Qing Liao How communicatory expression education Became agreeable in subsidiary Schools in China.The meshwork TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 10, October 2000 http//iteslj. org/. 4- Rao Zhenhui unknown phrases College, Jiangxi customary College, China. juvenile vs. Traditional. interpreted 10 October 2012 from http//eca. state. gov/ forum/vols/vol37/no3/p27. htm. 5- Rhalmi Mohammed Im Rhalmi Mohammed articles on Grammar Translation method (April 2009) and Communicative Language belief (Sep 2009) taken on October 2012 from http//myenglishpages. com.